Yoga, as a movement therapy, hung inside a trauma-informed framework is a deeply transformative tool. This format highlights the potential for new pathways and connections to be established, healing one’s relationship with both self and others.

Movement is inherently multiple things at once: a way to metabolize daily stress hormones; to reduce both long-held as well as immediate physical tension while offering a safe space to enter the feeling body; a set of tools to help you learn how to focus (and live) in the present moment; and another set of tools to help you begin to understand (and live) with non-attachment. For so many people that have experienced extreme trauma, the body is literally uninhabitable. The gentle, caring, and non-violent framework that yoga can provide offers the chance for a return to one’s own inner landscape safely. 


As an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher, I have over 200 hours of additional training in trauma-informed and adaptive yoga with over 2,000 direct teaching hours. These hours include teaching inside of traditional studios, gyms, and outside venues, as well as inside of treatment centers for substance abuse recovery, correctional settings for both adolescents and adults, schools, homeless shelters, LGBTQ resource centers, and senior centers.

Private trauma-informed yoga classes can be booked for the individual or small group in either 60- or 90-minute sessions. Processing time via group therapy is built into all 90-minute classes and is encouraged for sessions inside of treatment or correctional settings. Reach out to receive the first class at no cost to determine whether this service is a good fit for your facility.

*Serving Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties

My Approach

Transform your mind and body with Trauma-Informed Yoga

What Client’s Are Saying…

  • I started practicing box breathing at night, and I am now able to really quiet my mind and get to sleep. This practice is now part of my evening routine, and I even look forward to it. I started turning the TV off while I’m breathing because I feel like it really helps me get even more present and relaxed

    - Ray

  • Susie never makes me feel weird for any feelings I share. She normalizes and validates my experiences and has given me so many tools to use to help me manage and regulate my emotions and responses. I feel like we are building each week vs. re-starting every session.

    - Anonymous

  • Susie’s Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher Training program was engaging, well organized, pragmatic, and immensely informative. The approaches and concepts that she shared are invaluable to me as a yoga teacher, AND as part of my daily life. I feel far more secure in my ability to identify trauma in an individual and to find the best manner in which to support a person in his/ her healing journey.

    - Ashley

  • I haven't met with Susie in a few months yet she has reached out to check in with me. This is so appreciated! Just knowing she has checked in has been huge for me. It's very comforting to know someone is concerned about me.

    - Anonymous

  • Susie is a driven, hardworking individual who leads with compassion, empathy and determination. Her genuine desire to be the best version of herself is admirable and inspiring and she has honed the skills of both giving and receiving feedback. Susie is a strong communicator and an excellent listener. I recall many times having had mindful, goal-oriented conversations with Susie that resulted in personal connection and professional growth. Susie is the person you want on your team, every time, without question

    - Bre